23 Nov 2020 Development of Multifunctional Antiterrorist Assault System (MAS)
Project name and purpose: The project „Development of Multifunctional Antiterrorist Assault System (MAS)“ aims to stimulate SMEs to invest in R&D activities and develop a new innovative solution for the global market.
Short description of the Project: With this project DOK-ING aims to develop a unique system for antiterrorist operations consisting of a remotely operated antiterrorist assault vehicle and a command-operative modul fitted on a transport-logistic field vehicle (command vehicle).
Applicant: DOK-ING d.o.o.
Project partners: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER).
The aim of the Project: The aim of this project is to develop a product up to TRL 8 according to which the product will be at the technological readiness level adequate for sales in the global market. During the project all technological risks and production problems will be resolved, resulting in a remotely operated system with proven functioning in antiterrorist activities. The system will be composed of two main parts: antiterrorist assault vehicle and a command vehicle, in which all working and auxiliary systems will be installed.
Project Elements:
1. Development of Multifunctional Antiterrorist Assault System (MAS) – DOK-ING and FER
2. Dissemination of project results – FER
3. Promotion and Visibility – DOK-ING
4. Project Management and Administration – DOK-ING
Project total value: 27.158.169,25 kn
Eligible costs: 24.517.965,02 kn
EU funding (grants): 13.021.119,82 kn
Project execution period: 10/2017 to 11/2022
Contact person: Gordan Pešić, 091/4824 146, gordan.pesic@dok-ing.hr