16 Jul 2020 European Social Fund (2007-2013) – Grant for the “Education of Entrepreneurs and SMEs”
DOK-ING was granted a total of 238.000,00 HRK for the project “Investment in human capital to strengthen the position on the global market and the commercialization of innovations.” Thus DOK-ING was acknowledged as the company who recognizes its employees are the key of the success on the global market as well as the importance of investing in human resources to strengthen competitiveness in existing and new markets. The project provides education for 56 company employees who will be trained/certified for technical and “soft” skills through more than 900 hours of training. Employees from process management, quality control, R&D and production technology, accounting and finances will participate in the project upgrading and improving their competencies for personal and professional development.
Croatia is combining ESF and ERDF funding to build a job-rich and more inclusive society as part of the country’s development strategy. Better education opportunities and more efficient public services are also targeted.
Across Europe, the ESF is supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer living standards and job opportunities for all EU citizens. It is doing this by investing in Europe’s human capital – its workers, its young people, disadvantaged groups and all those seeking a job. Tens of thousands of ESF projects are active in Europe’s cities, towns, rural communities and neighborhoods. They are opening doors to skills, work, qualifications and to a more inclusive society for all Europeans.
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