26 Apr 2023 Croatian Premiere of DOK-ING’s Counter-Terrorism Robotic System MV-3 Hystrix
Zagreb, 26 April 2023. – DOK-ING premiered the Counter-Terrorism robotic system MV-3 Hystrix in Zagreb. This multi-functional robotic system is intended for special, intervention, anti-explosion & anti-terrorist police and military units around the world. There were as many as 150 guests at the premiere, from the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Parliament and ministries, as well as 50 foreign ambassadors in the Republic of Croatia from 4 different continents (Europe, Asia, North and South America).
In his welcoming speech, the innovator, founder and owner of the DOK-ING company Mr Vjekoslav Majetić pointed out: “We developed our new multi-purpose counter-terrorism robotic system with the help of the European Structural and Investment Funds, in cooperation with the University of Zagreb and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. From the beginning, DOK-ING has been driven by a single mission, which is the protection of human lives. Our demining machine MV-4 is a world hit, accepted on the international scene as the best demining machine, used by many countries that are present here today. Of course, DOK-ING is a development company, and we think about other ways we can protect human lives and property, how to look at the world with open eyes and how we can improve – especially because threats change from year to year, and threats become more and more diverse.” Mr Majetić then added: “This mission does not stop at demining, and as an engineer and innovator, I have always been motivated by solving problems. That’s why my team and I turned to other segments. Our portfolio is also based on the management of crisis situations, and on the protection of critical infrastructure – we were all here together in 2020 when we presented our Komodo robotic system for operating in extreme nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical conditions. Last year, we introduced our robotic mining NRE fleet, where we increased mining efficiency by over 30 percent with new technologies.” Mr Majetić concluded his speech: “And with today’s event, we present a new segment of solutions in the field of counter-terrorism. In the 31 years of our activity, the world has changed significantly. The geopolitical situation is very unpredictable and, unfortunately, especially a year ago, since the terrible aggression on Ukrainian territory, we see how fragile peace, stability and security are. But, in this uncertainty, the consoling constant of us humans is that we always look for solutions to problems, which we ourselves sometimes create. DOK-ING is here with a mission to make the world a safer place.”
Congratulating DOK-ING on behalf of the Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Mario Banožić pointed out that the MV-3 system represents an innovative step forward in the world of special forces. “I am sure that this DOK-ING innovative system – the counter-terrorist naval vehicle MV-3, thanks to its exceptional technical and tactical capabilities, will be a great answer to the security threats we face today. The Croatian army has great cooperation with DOK-ING. One of the world’s most famous MV-4 robotic systems for demining light category, which is equipped with the Croatian army, has proven its effectiveness in a real combat environment”, said Minister Banožić.
The minister stated that this is just one of the examples that confirm that the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Defense have recognized the Croatian defense industry as a generator of economic development and a promoter of top Croatian products.
Modern solutions like this counter-terrorism naval vehicle are a good example of how innovative ideas and projects open up a multitude of possibilities. We are advocates of cooperation in the field of research and innovation, just like the need for equipping and modernizing the Croatian Army, which we have been advocating since the beginning of the mandate, the Minister of Defense pointed out.
DOK-ING’s Counter-Terrorism Consultant, Mr. Alenko Ribić gave statement: “The global fight against terrorism has led to the constant development of police and military specialist equipment and techniques for special forces in response to potential threats. Contemporary terrorism poses a threat to the entire international community, and by developing special vehicles, techniques, equipment, weapons and others, we are creating a defense mechanism as prevention, but also for the effective resolution of possible crisis situations in the field of combat against terrorism. It was DOK-ING that recognized the need for the development of the multi-functional counter-terrorism system MV-3 “Hystrix” in cooperation with end users.”
DOK-ING’s Counter-Terrorism Consultant Mr. Dario Finderle explained the very concept of the MV-3 “Hystrix” was developed based on analyzes of implemented counter-terrorist strategies, standard operating procedures and lessons learned from practice. At the same time, expert analyses were made that included the specifics of tactics, methods and forms of action of today’s terrorists and terrorist groups through examples of terrorist attacks that have occurred in the world. All of the above was included based on the input of the Special Police of the MUP from the analysis of operational actions carried out in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, as well as rich international cooperation within the “ATLAS” forum, of which the Special Police is a full member. Based on all the data, it was realized that critical infrastructure facilities, especially facilities where a large number of people gather, such as shopping malls, airports, sports and concert halls, hotels, etc., are at the top of potential targets for attacks by individuals and terrorist groups. With today’s operating tactics in the aforementioned facilities, special forces are limited to using their personal protective and ballistic equipment, portable ballistic shields of various levels of protection, which does not provide them with sufficient security. Precisely because of this, the need for a multi-functional counter-terrorism robotic system MV-3 “Hystrix” was imposed, which has the ability to operate tactically in larger indoor spaces. At the same time, it houses a tactical team with all the necessary specialist equipment that can quickly be put into operational use.
The MV-3 Hystrix robotic vehicle is intended for the needs of police and military anti-terrorist and special forces in the fight against all forms of terrorism and the resolution of hostage situations, and it has practical application in intervention and anti-explosion units. The introduction of the MV-3 Hystrix multi-functional anti-terrorist robotic vehicle into the operational system of police and military special forces will significantly increase their capabilities when solving the most complex tasks within their scope of work. In every action of the special forces, the first priority should be the protection and safety of people, which they certainly get with the MV-3, because the vehicle has a front ballistic shield of a high level of protection, which reduces the risk of death and injury, and thus achieves better precision, and the intervention time is reduced because it is possible to progress more quickly. The MV-3 is equipped with a number of RGB, infrared and thermal cameras, gas and poison detectors and other technical equipment and can operate in daytime conditions, but also in conditions of reduced visibility and at night. Due to its robustness, weight and quick-change tools, the Hystrix has the ability to break through and remove obstacles in its path of action.
The company DOK-ING confirms that they have received extremely high interest in the revolutionary counter-terrorism robotic system MV-3, both from members of the special units of the army and the police from Croatia, as well as from all over the world.
DOK-ING is an engineering leader in the development and production of robotic and autonomous systems and equipment for special purposes. DOK-ING has proven itself as a leader in the international market with more than 80% market share of the world market of humanitarian demining machines. It does business with clients in more than 40 countries around the world. DOK-ING deals with the integration of its own innovations and new technologies to develop and produces robotic and autonomous systems for the protection of human life and property in dangerous environments, primarily for military engineering, NKBR (nuclear chemical biological and radiological), crisis situations, counter-terrorism and underground mining. In more than 30 years of business, the company has been recognized for changing the industrial landscape with an innovative approach and has won more than a hundred international awards in the fields of business, innovation, and technology.