02 Apr 2018 DOK-ING at ArmHiTec 2018
The Second International Exhibition of Arms and Defence Technologies “ArmHiTec-2018″ was held at Exhibition Complex “ErevanEXPO” (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia), March 29-31. And it was for DOK-ING the first time to showcase the products of multi-mission EOD robotic systems originally designed for demining, but being improved through the years of experience to the level of sophisticated EOD systems.
The “ArmHiTec” exhibition proved to be the key event on the military market of Armenia and performed as a business meeting platform for the international representatives of security industry. Trying to develop businesses, increase number of partners, attract new investments and establish new mutually beneficial and promising contacts, the Exhibition became the ground for more than a few bilateral and international panel discussions and meetings, including the highest level of official delegates from Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, as well as the highly ranked military personnel.