04 May 2023 DOK-ING is the Croatian Biggest Exhibitor at the ASDA International Exhibition & Demonstration
03.05.2023. Zadar, Croatia – Adriatic Sea Defense & Aerospace ASDA dedicated to Defence, Aerospace, Cyber Defense and Homeland Security was officially opened in Zadar. This largest international exhibition & demonstration of military equipment and weapons in this area gathered over 200 exhibitors and 30 high-level state delegations from Europe, America and Asia. It takes place from May 3-5, and for the first time this year, it takes place in Zadar, in the “Krešimir Ćosić” sports hall.
The ceremonial opening of the seventh exhibition in a row was opened by the acapella of the Croatian Navy with appropriate Croatian songs. This was followed by greetings from the Prefect of Zadar County, Božidar Longin, and the Mayor of Zadar, Branko Dukić, who pointed out the advantage of holding this exhibition in Zadar, precisely because of Zadar’s location: the airport and the seaport. The envoy of the President of the Republic of Croatia and the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, Mario Banožić, in his welcoming speech, also emphasized his satisfaction with Zadar as the location of ASDA, since significant units of the Croatian Army are located in Zadar, which over time have become one of its recognizable symbols.
“DOK-ING is one of the largest exhibitors from Croatia, and the company presented its products in security and defence, counter-terrorism and crisis management. DOK-ING is internationally known since the company export to 50 countries worldwide and has been visited by numerous delegations at the highest level. This year, the company focuses on the presentation of the new counter-terrorist robotic vehicle MV-3 Hystrix, which generated enormous interest and opened the door to future business success,” said Mislav Manda, DOK-ING Director of Sales and Marketing.
In his speech, Minister Banožić stated: “We believe that the strengthening of Croatian companies and the support we provide them by helping them to exhibit their products alongside relevant international partners is extremely important for the long-term development of the Croatian defence industry. We are truly proud that year after year, among other things and at ASDA itself, we witness the increasingly pronounced innovation and excellence of the products of the Croatian defence industry.”
Minister Banožić stated that the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Defense recognized the Croatian defence industry as a generator of economic development and a promoter of top Croatian products. Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, Admiral Robert Hranj, said that ASDA is one of the largest exhibitions of its type in our part of the world. It is an opportunity for representatives of the armed forces and the military industry to meet in one place and discuss topics of common interest. “The most important thing is that the Croatian military industry is presented in the best light on the demanding market,” said Admiral Hranj.
DOK-ING is an engineering leader in the development and production of robotic and autonomous systems and equipment for special purposes. DOK-ING has proven itself as a leader in the international market with more than 80% market share of the world market of humanitarian demining machines. It does business with clients in more than 40 countries around the world. DOK-ING deals with the integration of its own innovations and new technologies to develop and produces robotic and autonomous systems for the protection of human life and property in dangerous environments, primarily for military engineering, NKBR (nuclear chemical biological and radiological), crisis situations, counter-terrorism and underground mining. In more than 30 years of business, the company has been recognized for changing the industrial landscape with an innovative approach and has won more than a hundred international awards in the fields of business, innovation, and technology.