21 Jun 2024 DOK-ING Presented its 100th Anti-Tank Mine Clearance System MV-10 Bison at Eurosatory 2024
Paris, France, 21.06.2024 – At Eurosatory, the world’s largest Defence and Security fair, DOK-ING proudly unveiled its 100th MV-10 Bison robotic system—the anti-tank mine clearance system the company produces. Held in Paris from June 17th to 21th, Eurosatory provided the perfect stage for this jubilee showcase.
Amid an expanding range of crises—from war to natural and industrial hazards, and an increased risk of terrorism—DOK-ING’s renowned robotic solutions attracted numerous visitors and delegations from all over the world. The ongoing war in Ukraine has shown how demining efforts play a critical role, both in the military and the humanitarian mine clearance. This is the reason why the MV-10 was amongst the most appreciated technical solutions presented at the fair. The MV-10 has been in use all over the world, in real combat situation, including Ukraine.
“At Eurosatory, DOK-ING proudly celebrated a significant milestone by unveiling its 100th MV-10. Our largest robotic system, specifically developed for anti-tank mine clearance, is the only system in the world with a double flail/tiller tool.” – stated Mislav Manda, DOK-ING’s Head of Sales and Marketing, and continued: “DOK-ING’s demining systems MV-10 have been pivotal in enhancing military engineering capabilities, ensuring safety and reclaiming land across various countries. The MV-10 played a crucial role in reducing the mine threat in Ukraine from 2022. Demining is essential for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction, facilitating the safe return of civilians and the revival of economic activities, particularly in transportation, commerce, and agriculture. This very 100th MV-10 is going to Ukraine after the exhibition here at Eurosatory.”
Eurosatory 2024 brought together more than 1,800 exhibitors from more than 60 countries and 40 national pavilions, and 11 clusters/Chambers of Commerce across more than 166,000 sqm of exhibition space, making this edition the largest in the history of Eurosatory and the world’s largest trade show in its sector. DOK-ING was indeed at the Croatian pavilion, where also other leading Croatian defence companies were present.
A comprehensive range of equipment and solutions to tackle all types of crises were presented at the fair; from high-intensity conflicts to the humanitarian and environmental disasters specific to this century. Among the technologies on show and the themes addressed at the exhibition, artificial intelligence (AI) was one of the 2024 exhibition’s hot topics. Eurosatory 2024 was a unique platform for the government, private and public decision makers in the D&S community to explore these technologies that have become unavoidable, as a security and sovereignty focal point for armed forces and governments.
The MV-10 is the only robotic system in the world with a double tool: front-positioned flail tool followed by a rear tiller. It is the only demining system in its class that has been used in real combat situations. Furthermore, due to its high engine power and blast resistance, the MV-10 qualifies as the strongest system in its category. The MV-10 Heavy-duty EOD robotic system excels in clearing Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank mines, cluster munitions, and other unexploded ordnance. Its remote-control capability enhances safety by allowing operation from up to 1,500 metres away. This formidable robotic system can demine up to 4,000 square metres per hour, even on steep slopes, providing 100% efficiency clearance.
• Venue: Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre
• Dates: Monday 17 – Friday 21 June 2024
• Frequency: biennial – even number years
• Founded in: 1967 (as Satory, 1992 as Pan-European and international expo)
• 1,800 exhibitors from 60 countries (32% French, 68% foreign)
• 67% returning exhibitors
• 33% new exhibitors (including 1/3 French, 2/3 foreign)
• 41 national pavilions and 11 clusters/Chambers of Commerce
• More than 500 new solutions presented at each show
• More than 60,000 trade visitor entries expected
• 250 official delegations expected, from 96 countries