01 Jul 2024 DOK-ING Won the Award “Golden key” for the Best Medium Size Croatian Exporter in 2023.
Zagreb, Croatia 01.07.2024. – DOK-ING won the “Golden Key” award in the category of Best Medium Size Croatian Exporter in 2023. Ss part of the program of the 19th Convention of Croatian Exporters, the award ceremony took place in Zagreb, at the Mozaik Event Center, on July 1st, 2024. The “Zlatni ključ” awards are given to the best Croatian exporters with the goal of promoting exports and recognizing companies that have excelled in export performance. The event was organized under the high patronage of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
On this occasion, the innovator, owner, and founder of DOK-ING, Mr Vjekoslav Majetić, received the award and stated: “Since its founding in 1991, DOK-ING has gone through an impressive journey, growing from humble beginnings as a startup in a garage to a successful company that today employs 250 people. This award is a recognition of my team, my employees, more than of myself. I lead and guide them, but they ultimately accomplish everything we have and offer to the global market. Today, we are globally renowned and established on the global industrial scene, thanks to the impressive deployment of 500 robotic systems in more than 40 countries worldwide. DOK-ING’s leading principle, ‘Don’t send a man to do a machine’s job,’ embodies the company’s unwavering commitment to preserving human lives, the environment, and property in hazardous environments. Whether dealing with minefields, natural disasters, or industrial hazards, the company’s commitment remains unwavering.” Majetic concluded and added: “In 2023, DOK-ING achieved remarkable success with a revenue of EUR 49.99 million, marking a significant growth of 38.5% compared to the previous year. The company proudly reports an impressive export performance, with exports comprising a substantial 94% of its total revenue.”
These awards represent recognition of the outstanding achievements of Croatian exporters and serve as an incentive for further development and innovation in various industries. The expert committee that voted for the winners of the Golden Key award was composed of representatives from Croatian Exporters, HBOR, HGK, HUP, FINA, MINGOR, MINPO, MVEP, DZS, the Customs Administration, HAMAG-BICRO, HRT, and CRANE.