17 Feb 2021 First delivery of the Command and Control Vehicle with Emergency Response Robotic System to the Croatian Ministry of the Interior
On 16 February 2021, DOK-ING’ system for emergency response was delivered to the Croatian Ministry of the Interior at the Police Academy in Zagreb, Croatia. The delivered command and control vehicle with an emergency response robotic system on a trailer is the first out of 3 systems purchased by the Ministry through a project “Modernization of the Croatian fire brigades vehicles”, co-financed by the European Union. Upon delivery, it was handed over to the end user – the State Civil Protection Intervention Unit Zagreb.
Ceremonial handover was attended by the founder and owner of DOK-ING Vjekoslav Majetić, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ph. D. Davor Božinović, Director of the programs and projects of the EU, European and International Affairs of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Marko Markić, Chief Fire Commander Slavko Tucaković and representatives of other companies participating in the project.
DOK-ING delivered the first out of 3 systems purchased by the Croatian Ministry of the Interior through a project “Modernization of the Croatian fire brigades vehicles”, co-financed by the European Union. Upon delivery, it was handed over to the end user – the State Civil Protection Intervention Unit Zagreb. The other two systems which are part of this purchase will be delivered during 2021.
The delivered system consists of a command and control vehicle with the MVF-5 robotic system on the trailer. The MVF-5 emergency response robotic system serves first responders to execute tasks in the harshest, most demanding and life threatening conditions. Currently, it is being used by end users globally.
DOK-ING’s command and control vehicle with an emergency response robotic system on a trailer will increase the ability and readiness of Croatian intervention units for timely reaction and response to crisis situations. Furthermore, it will contribute to the development of the entire disaster management at the national level.