Final Conference for the Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution (MWMGS) Project

The MWMGS project, co-financed by Innovation Norway, has been completed. In mid-April, the plant was set up in Čakovec at the location of the social cooperative Humana Nova, where it was also tested. As part of the project, a final conference gathered representatives from municipal companies, government and non-governmental organizations that promote circular economy and gasification technology.

The conference was held on April 30, 2024, in Čakovec. First, attendees participated in a tour of the facility installed at the Humana Nova location, followed by the conference itself. At the conference, the gathered audience was addressed by the owner of DOK-ING, Vjekoslav Majetić, the project’s technical manager, Filip Stojmenović, presented the project and its results, the representative of Humana Nova, Ivan Božić, introduced social cooperative, the director of Probotica (a partner company in the project) Miljenko Hrman introduced control system developed by them. At the end, the project manager, Danica Maljković thanked all participants in the project. The event was covered by numerous media, and news of this project even reached South Korea.

The facility has been returned to DOK-ING where further testing and improvements will be carried out based on the results from the previous testing.

Završna konferencija za projekt Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution-MWMGS

Projekt MWMGS, koji je sufinanciran od strane Innovation Norway, je završen. Sredinom travnja postrojenje je postavljeno u Čakovec na lokaciju socijalne zadruge Humana Nova gdje se i testiralo. U sklopu projekta je održana konferencija projekta koja je okupila predstavnike komunalnih društava, vladinih i nevladinih organizacija koje promiču kružnu ekonomiju i sustave za uplinjavanje.

Konferencija je održana 30. travnja 2024. godine u Čakovcu. Najprije su prisutni sudjelovali u obilasku postrojenja koje je instalirano na lukaciji Humana Nove, a nakon tog je održana konferencija. Na konferenciji su se okupljenima obratili vlasnik DOK-ING-a, Vjekoslav Majetić, tehnički voditelj projekta, Filip Stojmenović koji je predstavio projekt i njegove rezultate, predstavnik Humane Nove, Ivan Božić, direktor Probotica-e (tvrtke partner na projektu) Miljenko Hrman te voditeljica projekta, Danica Maljković. Događaj su popratili brojni mediji, a vijest o ovom projektu stigla je i do Južne Koreje.

Postrojenje je vraćeno u DOK-ING gdje će se provoditi daljnja ispitivanja i poboljšanja istog na temelju rezultata iz prethodnog testiranja.

First Conference for the project Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution-MWMGS

On the 6th of April, 2022, First Conference took place in Čakovec to introduce the project to interested stakeholders. During the Conference, Project Manager Danica Maljković presented DOK-ING and its vision regarding special purpose robotics and the newest innovation-MWMGS that tackles problems regarding energy supply and waste management.

During the Conference, Senior Advisor from Innovation Norway, Egli Ilić, introduced finance mechanisms EEA and Norway Grants to reduce economic inequalities and promote climate protection, energy production, innovation and sustainable business development in 15 European Countries, among which Croatia. Miljenko Hrman, CEO of Probotica, DOK-ING’s partner in this project, introduced their R&D activities in robotics and their tasks on this project. Then, the manager at Humana Nova (a social cooperative that upcycles textile waste into new, useful items), Ivan Božić, pointed out that the Cooperative mainly employs people with disabilities, one of the most vulnerable groups of people, and that this project will surely give a boost to further employment and protection of those people, along with energy self-sufficiency and protection of the environment.

At the end, the owner of DOK-ING and innovator that created MWMGS, Vjekoslav Majetić, emphasised that DOK-ING is proud that this project will help secure heating energy for Humana Nova by from which will benefit local people and environment. He thanked Innovation Norway for this great opportunity, and he expressed certainty that this will be DOK-ING’s next successful project and product, which will diversify DOK-ING’s product portfolio and launch it into the energy and waste management industry which lack of such systems.

After this First Conference, project activities will continue, and DOK-ING is planning to start building the MWMGS in the following period after extensive R&D activities. After that, Probotica will implement its Central Operating System into MWMGS, and everything will be ready for testing in Humana Nova (Čakovec) at the beginning of the heating season. Next year, in spring, Final Project Conference is planned on which project results will be introduced to the public.

Prva konferencija za projekt Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution-MWMGS

U Čakovcu je 6. travnja 2022. održana Prva konferencija na kojoj je predstavljen projekt MWMGS. Tijekom konferencije voditeljica projekta Danica Maljković predstavila je DOK-ING i njegovu ulogu u svijetu robotike posebne namjene te najnoviju inovaciju MWMGS koja se bavi problemima opskrbe energijom i gospodarenja otpadom.

Tijekom konferencije, viša savjetnica iz Innovation Norway-a, Egli Ilić, predstavila je financijske mehanizme EEA i Norway Grants koji imaju za cilj smanjenje ekonomskih nejednakosti i promicanje zaštite klime, proizvodnje energije, inovacija i održivog poslovnog razvoja u 15 europskih zemalja, među kojima je i Hrvatska. Miljenko Hrman, direktor tvrtke Probotica, partnera DOK-IN-a na ovom projektu, predstavio je njihove razvojno-istraživačke aktivnosti u robotici te svoje zadatke na ovom projektu. Potom je upravitelj Humane Nove (socijalne zadruge koja prerađuje tekstilni otpad u nove, korisne artikle) Ivan Božić, istaknuo kako zadruga uglavnom zapošljava osobe s invaliditetom, jednu od najosjetljivijih skupina ljudi, te da će ovaj projekt zasigurno dati poticaj daljnjem zapošljavanju i zaštiti tih ljudi, pored energetske samodostatnosti i zaštite okoliša.

Naposljetku, vlasnik DOK-ING-a i inovator koji osmislio MWMGS, Vjekoslav Majetić, naglasio je kako je DOK-ING ponosan što će ovaj projekt pomoći osigurati energiju za grijanje za Humanu Novu od čega će imati koristi zaposlenici i okoliš. Zahvalio je Innovation Norway-u na ovoj sjajnoj prilici te je izrazio uvjerenje da će ovo biti sljedeći uspješan projekt i proizvod DOK-ING-a, koji će diversificirati postojeći portfelj proizvoda i pogurati DOK-ING u sektor energetike i gospodarenja otpadom u kojima takvi sustavi nedostaju.

Nakon ove Prve konferencije nastavit će se daljnja provedba aktivnosti na projektu, a DOK-ING planira započeti izgradnju MWMGS-a u narednom razdoblju nakon opsežnih istraživačko-razvojnih aktivnosti obavljenih u proteklom periodu. Nakon toga će Probotica implementirati svoj Centralni operativni sustav u MWMGS, a sve će biti spremno za testiranje u Humani Novoj (Čakovec) za početak sezone grijanja. Sljedeće godine, u proljeće, planirano je održavanje završna konferencija projekta na kojoj će se prezentirati javnosti rezultati projekta.


First Conference and DOK-ING teamFirst Conference for the project Mobile Waste Management Gasification SolutionDOK-ING presentation on the First Conference for the project Mobile Waste Management Gasification SolutionDOK-ING presentation on the First Conference for the project Mobile Waste Management Gasification SolutionFirst Conference for the project Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution