15 May 2023 CTRO Symposium 2023 “MINE ACTION 2023”
05.2023. Vodice, Croatia – More than 200 participants from 35 countries gathered from 3 to 5 May in Vodice to attend the 19th International Symposium “Mine Action 2023.” Special emphasis at this year’s symposium was placed on the war events in Ukraine and providing an emergency response by all countries in order to maximize support for Ukraine, with the aim of clearing agricultural and infrastructural areas from mines as quickly as possible. In Ukraine, DOK-ING products are already saving human lives with mechanical demining.
Besides Ukraine, the high topic was explosive remnants of war and mine action in Azerbaijan. As well as in Ukraine, DOK-ING has a presence in Azerbaijan where the company is helping in demining process for more than a decade.
On the second day of this unique international gathering of leading experts in the field of mine action, a demonstration of mine action equipment producers was held at the Benkovac Test Site where DOK-ING MV-4 was the main star.
Dino Išasegi, Sales Manager at DOK-ING stated: “Our proposed solution for this exercise was the cutting-edge MV-4 Multi-Mission EOD Robotic System, which has been used in the most rigorous terrain, weather diversity and explosive hazards around the globe. During this exercise, DOK-ING demonstrated the MV-4 in the Scorpion configuration. The MV-4 is the only robotic system that enables using 2 tools simultaneously: a front-positioned rotational gripper and a rear-placed EOD robotic arm which performs EOD and general C-IED tasks, including information gathering and identification, force protection, ground interrogation, threat disruption & neutralization. It should be stressed that the MV-4 Scorpion Serial No. 258 has been partially operated by one of our Ukraine student from SESU. ”
DOK-ING is an engineering leader in the development and production of robotic and autonomous systems and equipment for special purposes. DOK-ING has proven itself as a leader in the international market with more than 80% market share of the world market of humanitarian demining machines. It does business with clients in more than 40 countries around the world. DOK-ING deals with the integration of its own innovations and new technologies to develop and produces robotic and autonomous systems for the protection of human life and property in dangerous environments, primarily for military engineering, NKBR (nuclear chemical biological and radiological), crisis situations, counter-terrorism and underground mining. In more than 30 years of business, the company has been recognized for changing the industrial landscape with an innovative approach and has won more than a hundred international awards in the fields of business, innovation, and technology.