27 Sep 2021 DOK-ING signed a letter of intent to form a consortium with Croatian and Slovenian companies
DOK-ING has signed a letter of intent to form a consortium of complementary companies in the field of security and defense with the Croatian companies Orqa and Defensphere, and the Slovenian companies MIL Sistemika and Bijol. At the same time, an agreement between the Croatian and Slovenian Competitiveness Clusters of Defense Industry with the aim of supporting the defense industry sector of both countries in using available EU funds was signed. It was held as part of the 8th International Fair of Defense, Security, Protection and Rescue SOBRA, which took place from 23rd to 25th September in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia.
The new Croatian-Slovenian consortium, composed of members of the defense industry’s competitiveness cluster, opens the possibility of joint application to the future European Defense Fund and the use of European Union Funds in the field of defense. The association of cluster members is also a consequence of the long-term promotion of connecting companies that, through the transfer of knowledge and joint action, strengthen their own capabilities for the development of high-tech products and positioning in the international market.
“DOK-ING has been present in the global defense industry for thirty years, and is always looking for new and innovative solutions that can improve its existing product portfolio and develop completely new products for the global market. We are pleased that, as an international market leader in robotic systems for special purposes, we have signed a letter of intent for cooperation in the upcoming European Defense Fund with Orqa, MIL Sistemika, Bijol and Defensphere. By connecting companies, transferring knowledge and new technologies, as well as exchanging business experiences in foreign markets, the possibilities of developing advanced innovative systems which can be financed from European Funds are opening. This is our opportunity to turn our shared knowledge and potential into products that will impose themselves as systems of the future of the defense industry, and which will be competitive worldwide.”, said Ana Pešić, Member of DOK-ING’ Supervisory Board.
“Orqa is an international market leader in providing technology for First Person View (FPV) and advanced Remote Reality (RR) applications for remotely operated and unmanned platforms. The European Defense Fund is an excellent opportunity to finance projects that combine the knowledge, experience and capacity of companies from our consortium into globally competitive products. The key to the resilience and growth of the Croatian defense industry is in the direct support of the state administration bodies for projects that have high added value and high-tech elements. I believe that the coming period, supported by European Defense Fund, will be a new drive for the development of the defense industry sector.”, said Tomislav Krolo, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Orqa LLC.