Place and Date: Zagreb, 9th of February 2023
Subject of Procurement: Materials
Procurement number: SPLY – 1
As stated in the 1st Notice to potential offerors published on the 7th of February 2023, the documents regarding the 1st Amendment of the Tender Announcement could be found on the link bellow.
1st Amendment of the Tender Announcement
Place and Date: Zagreb, 7th of February 2023
Subject of Procurement: Materials
Procurement number: SPLY – 1
According to the article 3. Modification of the Tender Announcement and clarifications which is a part of the Tender Announcement published on the 27th of January 2023, in case of a need for changing the Tender Announcement (e.g. if the economic entity requires additional information, clarifications or changes related to conditions from the Tender Announcement, before the deadline for submission of bids/offers has expired), it has to be transparently published, and/or sent to all potential Tenderers (in case the Invitation for submitting an offer has been sent to more economic entities), so that all economic entities are informed about the change at the same time. If the change is substantial (if the technical specifications are changed, additional documentation is required from Tenderers etc.), the deadline for submission of offers should be extended as appropriate.
During the procurement procedure, the Contracting Authority, DOK-ING Ltd., realized that there is a need for changing the technical specifications of a few items requested/mentioned in the Annex IV. Technical Specifications.
Therefore, the Contracting Authority informs all the potential offerors that the article 11. Deadline and address for submission of Tenders is changed in the part that refers to the date of delivery of the offers, as following:
The offers shall be submitted only via post or personal delivery to the following address: DOK-ING Ltd., Slavonska avenija 22G, 10000 Zagreb latest by 17.02.2023, 12:00 by local time.
All relevant documents that will be changed will be published by the end of the 9th of February, 2023 on the following web page: https://dok-ing.hr/eu-flag/
Notice to potential offers (002) PDF
POZIV NA DOSTAVU PONUDA za nabavu materijala za potrebe projekta „Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution – MWMGS“
Tvrtka DOK-ING d.o.o. prepoznata je po svojoj stručnosti u području inženjerstva, teške robotike i autonomnih sustava. Tvrtka posluje i na međunarodnom tržištu, u više od 40 zemalja svijeta. Sjedište tvrtke nalazi se u Zagrebu, a osim u Europi, tvrtka posluje i u Sjevernoj i Južnoj Americi, Africi i Aziji.
Tvrtka je prepoznata po mijenjanju industrijskog krajolika svojim inovativnim pristupom, inovacijama i tehnologijom koju neprestano razvija.
U sklopu projekta „Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution – MWMGS“, DOK-ING d.o.o. razvija prvi mobilni sustav za uplinjavanje otpada, a sve aktivnosti u sklopu projekta sufinancirane su pomoću programa „Business Development and Innovation Croatia“ te tijela Innovation Norway.
S ciljem uspješne provedbe projektnih aktivnosti, DOK-ING d.o.o. provodi nabavu materijala za izradu MWMGS prototipa, mobilnog sustava za uplinjavanje otpada, evidencijski broj nabave: SPLY – 1, te ista obuhvaća nabavu sljedećih komponenti:
Drobilica s izlaznim transporterom, spremnik prerađenog otpada, sustav za sušenje, ulazni dio reaktora, ulazni dozator, senzor kisika, vanjska cijev reaktora, unutarnja cijev reaktora, obloga, termo izolacija reaktora, vreteno, prirubnice, usipni dio, pregrijač sinteznog plina, izlazni dio reaktora, nosač reaktora (postolje), izlaz plinova, izlaz krutih ostataka, izlazni dozator, vreteno za odvod čađe, odvajač metala, kontejner za pepeo i kruti ostatak, izmjenjivač topline ispušnih plinova, plamenik, suhi pročistač plinova – cikloni, mokri pročistač plinova – skruberi, vrećasti filteri sa aktivnim ugljenom (ne uključuje filtere), vakuum pumpa, kompresor – kompresor plina, plinska baklja, spremnik sinteznog plina, kontejner za smještaj postrojenja, instalacija vodova sinteznog plina sa cijevima, brtve i izolacijski materijali, kalorimetar, detektori ispušnih plinova, električni motori i razna mjerna oprema.
Nabava se provodi u skladu s Procurement Guidelines for Project Promotors and Project Partners (Smjernice za nabavu za Nositelje projekta i projektne partnere) te člankom 4.3 – nabava radova, dobara i usluga, čija je procijenjena vrijednost nabave veća od 60.000,00 EUR.
Dokumentacija o nabavi dostupna je svim interesentima na sljedećoj poveznici:
Dokumentacija o nabavi_Materials_SPLY – 1
Navedena dokumentacija ujedno je objavljena na službenoj stranici tvrtke DOK-ING d.o.o. te na službenoj stranici Innovation Norway.
TENDER ANNOUNCEMENT for the procurement of materials for the needs of the project “Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution – MWMGS”
DOK-ING Ltd. is recognized for its expertise in the field of engineering, heavy robotics and autonomous systems. The company also operates on the international market, in more than 40 countries around the world. The headquarters of the company is located in Zagreb, and in addition to Europe, the company also operates in North and South America, Africa and Asia.
DOK-ING Ltd. is recognized for changing the industrial area with its innovative approach, innovations and technologies that the company is constantly developing.
As a part of the project “Mobile Waste Management Gasification Solution – MWMGS”, DOK-ING Ltd. is developing the first mobile waste gasification system, and all activities within the project are co-financed by the “Business Development and Innovation Croatia” programme and Innovation Norway.
With the aim of the successful implementation of project activities, DOK-ING Ltd. carries out the procurement of materials for the creation of the MWMGS prototype of the mobile waste gasification system, procurement number: SPLY – 1, and it includes the procurement of the following components:
Shredder, Tank for shredded materials, Dryer, Reactor charging system, Inlet dispenser, Oxygen sensor, Outer reactor tube, Inner reactor tube, Casing, Thermal insulation, Reactor spindle, Flanges, Bulk inlet, Afterburner of syngas, Outlet piping after afterburner, Reactor stand, Gases outlet, Solid residue outlet, Outlet dispenser, Spindle for outlet dispenser, Metals separator, Tank for solid residue, Flue gases heat exchanger, Burner, Dry scrubber, Wet scrubber, Bag scrubber, Vacuum pump, Compressor, Security torch, Syngas tank, Containers, Syngas piping, Seals and insulating material, Calorimeter, Exhaust gas detectors, Electrical motors and other measuring equipment like manometers, thermometers, thermal cameras.
Procurement is carried out in accordance with the Procurement Guidelines for Project Promoters and Project Partners, Article 4.3 – procurement of works, goods and services, whos estimated value is greater than EUR 60,000.00.
Procurement documentation is available to all interested parties at the following link:
Tender_Materials_SPLY – 1
The aforementioned documentation was also published on the official website of DOK-ING Ltd. and on the official website of Innovation Norway.