DOK-ING AS GOLD SPONSOR EXTREMELY ENCOURAGES STUDENTS IN INNOVATIONS   France, July 2023. - DOK-ING was a proud sponsor of the Association of Mechatronics who won the prestigious 2nd place in the Ambition Challenge, in the Middle-Size League Soccer category at Bordeaux RoboCup 2023 in France.                                  For...

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING IN THE AREA OF MANNED-UNMANNED TEAMING (MUM-T)    Zagreb, Croatia, 26th of  September 2023. - During the international ENDR conference (Human-Machine Interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence), Croatian companies DOK-ING and ORQA signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the area of Manned Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T)...

Two new Members of the Board   Zagreb, May 6, 2022 - The Supervisory Board of DOK-ING, an international market leader in the field of robotic and autonomous systems and equipment for special purposes, has been strengthened by two new members.  Domagoj Stunić has been appointed a...

DOK-ING presented of the latest innovation MV-3 Counter Terrorism Robotic System, on the Enforce Tac 2022 fair.  Dino Isasegi, Account Manager at DOK-ING stated "The new MV-3 ​​multi-mission vehicle will provide a great protection for the special forces dealing with counter terrorism, hostage and other...

DOK-ING multifunctional robotic system for protection and rescue actions was presented in Podgorica. It is procured with the support of the European Union within the project "TO BE READY", funded under the IPA INTERREG Cross-border Cooperation Program between Italy, Montenegro, and Albania. The full article read...